Nes­tled between the Ter­ra Nova Nature School, the Shar­ing Farm, and the Ter­ra Nova Adven­ture Play­ground, our sec­ond pol­li­na­tor project (2018) in Rich­mond is the Ter­ra Nova Pub­lic Art Pol­li­na­tor Mead­ow. This con­tin­ued col­lab­o­ra­tion with the City of Rich­mond has been designed to com­ple­ment the envi­ron­men­tal mis­sions of our Ter­ra Nova neigh­bours. This mead­ow has also been devel­oped and main­tained with sup­port from the Mas­ter Gar­den­ers — Van­cou­ver and the Rich­mond Green Ambassadors. 

Our api­ary sculp­tures, designed for Bor­der Free Bees by our lead indus­tri­al design­er Evan Hutchin­son, cre­ate an out­door class­room in the heart of the mead­ow. The mead­ow also fea­tures an envi­ron­men­tal sculp­ture by artist Jaymie John­son. Bum­ble Bas­kets, the Rich­mond edi­tion, builds on the suc­cess of Johnson’s 2017 ver­sion of the com­mu­ni­ty-engaged work for our Kelow­na pasture. 

Terra Nova Nature School

Work­ing with the stu­dents at the Ter­ra Nova Nature School to cre­ate habi­tat for native bees and to weave the envi­ron­men­tal sculp­ture Bum­ble Bas­kets. Bee draw­ings by the stu­dents in response to the Pol­li­na­tor Meadow.