For All Is For Your­self is a com­bi­na­tion of com­mu­ni­ty par­tic­i­pa­tion and art instal­la­tion. With the help of the pub­lic, Cartiere and her team cre­at­ed over 600 sheets of hand-made seed paper at work­shops through­out Rich­mond and Van­cou­ver. The paper pulp used was com­prised of shred­ded doc­u­ments from Rich­mond City Hall and Emi­ly Carr Uni­ver­si­ty of Art + Design, rein­forc­ing the prin­ci­ples of recy­cling while par­tic­i­pants learned about wild pol­li­na­tors, seed dis­tri­b­u­tion, and habi­tat renew­al. Once made, the seed paper was trans­formed into 10,000 styl­ized west­ern bum­ble­bees, installed on the walls of the gallery. At the end of the exhi­bi­tion, half of the bees will “swarm” into the homes and gar­dens of Rich­mond as gallery vis­i­tors take them away, while the oth­er half will be trans­plant­ed to Kelow­na for anoth­er series of paper-mak­ing work­shops to replen­ish the colony and then rein­stall the exhi­bi­tion at the Kelow­na Art Gallery.

Cameron Cartiere Describing The Project