From Jan­u­ary to April 2016, sev­er­al class­es of kinder­garten to grade two stu­dents in Kelow­na grew Showy Milk­weed in their class­rooms from seed har­vest­ed on the site of Kelowna’s Pub­lic Art Pol­li­na­tor Pas­ture. Ascle­pias spe­ciosa “Showy Milk­weed” is a native plant in the Okana­gan. It has a gor­geous flower and won­der­ful seed pods. On May 6, 2016, the chil­dren came on a field trip to the Pol­li­na­tor Pas­ture and plant­ed their seedlings.

Schools involved in the project:

  • Anne McClymont Elementary
  • Ecole Dorothea Walk­er Elementary
  • Mar Jok Elementary
  • Kelow­na Wal­dorf School

We are grate­ful to the teach­ers and students!

Thanks to RONA for the dona­tion of buck­ets and children’s work gloves! We are also grate­ful to Buck­er­fields in Kelow­na which pro­vid­ed seed starter soil for grow­ing the plants in.

Pho­tos from May 6 2016 when chil­dren plant­ed the milk­weed seedlings. Pho­tos by Fion­ncara MacEoin.